Bunny Play Style

How do you play with a bunny? Bunnies love to play. They will kick up their heals, run, frolic, burrow in blankets, dig holes outside, and enjoy forts all when they feel safe. The simplest way to describe bunny play style is Gentle Exploration. Below is a look at how our Little Dwarf Bunnies play on the back porch together with a giant onlooker.

Our bunnies also like playing outdoors. One day I hung up a blanket to air out in the sunshine and our bunnies made a game of it.
The blanket was such a big hit, we decided to built a blanket fort indoors! Who doesn't love a blanket fort!?! Our bunnies like when we help them build a fort to play in made out of blankets, towels, or even cardboard boxes. They can get under the fort with them so they can hide from danger. Just make sure they can't get trapped. 
We must learn what our bunnies like and dislike by observing their behaviors. Of course, there are no laws when it comes to behavior, but there are some basic bunny tendencies that we've learned from our own bunnies. Bunnies are not built like cats, they are not predators. Many bunnies don’t like to play rough, wrestle, fetch, or hunt anything since their bodies are delicate. Most bunnies are not sure what to do with most ropes and other toys made for dogs or cats. Below is Ms. Bunny as a baby letting us know the epic fail of our efforts to provide her with toys she would enjoy. We didn't know how to play with a bunny and her answer to us was, "Not with dog toys."
Some bunnies like to play with empty toilet paper rolls, boxes, and dig in blankets. Sometimes they will take a chew log or other small item and toss it up in the air. We should be impressed by this demonstration of their feat of strength. If they find a toy they like, don’t be surprised if a bunny's attention span for playing is not very long. If they finish playing with a toy, remember, it's still theirs and they will return to it at their leisure.
Whether playing indoors or outdoors, just be sure to keep them safe. Below is some garden time where the bunnies can explore at their leisure without fear of predators. However, if we let them roam free in the yard, we always ensure they are supervised.
If there is a safe place for a bunny to dig, let them! A hold can always be filled in and grass can always grow back. Digging helps wear down their claws and teeth. It is also great exercise.
Bunnies dig and live in holes in the wild, so stand back and be amazed at my digging , tunneling, and excavation skills. Fresh air and sunshine are always good ideas for a bunny, we must just make sure they are safe outside from predators and that they cannot tunnel into an unsafe environment.
Bunnies are very curious and will want to investigate, but they rarely like to be chased. Remember, bunnies are prey in the wild and even when they chase each other around eventually someone will get spooked and the play will abruptly stop to ensure everyone is safe. Be careful not to chase a bunny, for fun time can easily turn into scary time for the little dear.
Bunnies do enjoy digging and exploring little worlds such as wood piles or tunnels. They will enjoy themselves for hours just smelling and exploring a fresh morning outdoors.
I found this tunnel in a trash pile, brought it home, and cleaned it up. My husband thought our bunnies would never use it, but it has become a favorite of them all! When I first placed the tunnel in the bunny garden, Jasper quickly hopped up to explore.
It didn't take him long to figure out how to go through the tunnel. Now he requires we bring it indoors so he can play with it inside during rainy days.
 When bunnies have played for a bit, then it’s time to rest. Bunnies can easily overheat, so they must rest a while and let the heat leave their bodies through their cooling ears.
When it's time for indoor exploration time, the bunnies will often find coffee tables or end tables to hide under to take a break from adventuring.
Riley the lab has learned to be very still so that the bunnies can come up to him and check him out.  Some bunnies may enjoy more vigorous play while others can scare easily, so we must adapt our play style with our little friend.
Make sure there are no electrical cords or house plants for me to chew. Keep a bunny potty in the same room, so the bunny can jump in it when they need to use it. This will help me keep our house tidy.
The best way to play with a bunny is exactly how they prefer. For our little ones, we've learn to just to be still, wait patiently, and let the precious little one decide the pace of play. For us this means no sudden movements, no chasing, no harsh handling - just soft touches and safe play.
Our bunnies favorite type of play has been just hanging out with us and exploring our world. We can watch movies or television together. We can let them hang out on our desk as we work.
We can hold them close and snuggle. We can also let them crawl around and explore us. They can run around and kick up their heals. Ours is to remain still and calm.
We are bunny protectors, keepers, and understanding their play style will exponentially enhance their level of enjoyment when hanging out with us.